Friday, October 31, 2008

Kedai mamak sebelah dah tukar towkeh!

Adakah patik sedang 'dibosani'. Sangat gusar memikirkannya...

Hari ini hari apa?

Today is not Hari Raya or Deepavali nor Thaipusam but today is Friday. Its mean i can play futsal this evening. the thing i can do to release the pain by kickin' the ball! it's been long time i did not score a goal between two legs. i should make it happen today. i must. hahhaaha.


Razak Baginda was release today! Kembali lah ke pangkal jalan sahabat!!!

Rasa cam dah lama tak jenjalan kat Serdang. Teringin nak minum-minum kat Maulana sambil usha awek. (kerja yg agak kurang sopan semasa di alam remaja). hahhaha. Tringat lagi India kat Maulana tu coba-coba tipu aku cakap die orang Malaysia. cis! Ahh...nak lepak dengan sapa? semua dah takda! semua dah bawak haluan masing-masing. Yang ada pun LAN sebab rumah parent die memang kat situ. Skali die ceramah aku suruh ikut ajaran-ajaran Death Metal die tu...EEEEE...tanak aku! tak seni dol!

Esok Sabtu..lusa Ahad...seterusnya Isnin...sedar-sedar..umur aku dah 50 tahun...cmana kehidupan masa tu?seperti yang di inginkan? harap-harap...! huh! kalo masa tu jadi fulltime backpacker..memang stailo! konpem setiap backpacker hostel yang aku stay ...aku conteng camneh...'"Karim Rambo Wuz ere 2040"...hahhahaa...


Finally, the entry form is finished already!damn! kechewa selepas setahun menunggggggggu.....huh!

Run rambo run!

Definitely i will participate in IOI Community Run 2008. It is about 7.3 kilos. It's hard to be in top 50 but...i just wanna have some fun & enjoy the event. Last nite i slept at 3am. hahhaa. i can't was really hot last nite. so today i still at site for a few configurations. hopefully can finish by this week. so next week i can do other things. i wanna go back early this evening...kerna kau sungguh mempesonaaaa....

lagu nora zain sangat layan......fuh!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nora Zain

" Kau Sungguh Mempesona"
"Ku Takkan Tunggu..Semalaman"

Ini jam tadak bateri kah?

Jam ini 351 pagi...masih! esok tetap mau kerja! hari-hari mau kerja!kalau balik tidurrrr..konpem kol 730am tetap akan bangun! bangun pergi kerja! Semalam, semua orang happy sebab gaji sodah masuk! semua orang hilang time soru. mungkin menghadap KFC ataupun Burger King..OTAI Burger memang takkan di layan. hahahha. itulah nasib kalau tak mau jadi kapitalis. hahaha. sama saja dengan kami! Resepi Rahsia juga jadi tumpuan. cis! dulang paku serpih!

Ahhh ASTRO memang sengal! ade ke patut diorg tak pasang Liverpool vs Portsmouth! cis! boikot kang! panas btol camneh!

Semakin hari-semakin menjadi-jadi. cmana mau diubatkan?Setiap saat....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kad Debit

If noticed that your account balanced deducted about RM150-200 do not get panic. it is normal if you use your debit card at petrol pump or restaurant. they will return back your money after three days. so today i just register EON Bank Debit Card and forgot to collect my free gift. huh!

I already has my Maybank Debit Card but it cannot be used for internet transaction. what a shame!

Fatal Flaw!

Fatal_Flaw.MP3 - south jordan

Fatal Flow by South Jordan

They told me be careful
They said be weary of you
They warn persistence is the fatal flaw

I find myself waiting
Find myself hoping that you?l
One day fall into my open arms

But it? ok, you can just call me friend
Even though I mind I?l just take the backseat again
In the end I? here
In the end just sit and stare
The season change not making way
As I? just waiting waiting waiting for you

But I?e been here a time or two
Like trying to fight the dying breath
Why is every step I take so damn hard

I?e got some battle wounds from this
I?e got the sinking feeling in my skin
I? getting tired of the night
Just waiting for the light

But it? ok, you can just call me friend
Even though I mind I?l just take the backseat again
In the end I? here
In the end just sit and stare
The season change not making way
As I? just waiting waiting waiting for you

But it? ok, you can just call me friend
Even though I mind I?l just take the backseat again
In the end I? here
In the end just sit and stare
The season change not making way
As I? just waiting waiting waiting for you

They said be weary of you
They warn persistence is the fatal flaw

today is wednesday

Today is not only ordinary Wednesday. today is our payday. so, i already check my Maybank2u and there already has few thousands inside. so today everyone will be happy not like yesterday. haha. whatever happen i need to go to office client by 7 from my home and i already wake up at 530am. huh! damn sleepy! hopefully everything fine over there.

I've look the Open House picture. suprisingly i'm not in the picture. huh! why? because i need to go back early. a lil emergency.hmmmm. Wow!aweseome!

anyway...i'll keep it :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

esok pening kepala!

Huh! i need to be at client office before 8am. what a so called loser for me! i don't know why they are too ' manja' with us. they did not want to DIY with their equipment. So until when i need to be like this. huh! maybe we are too kind with them. huh! but..customer always right! hahhaha.. so by hook or by crook i need to be there. need to sleep early tonite. no cofffee before 10! or i will wake up at today will be the first time our payment delayed! i don't know is okie for me because 'jika hari ini tiada..esok masih ada!'. kah kah kah..sangat tragik btol ayatnya! maka hari ini akan ramailah manusia yang kebuluran..hahhahaa...dunia ini masih indah kalau kita dapat makan maggi. sessungguhnya magggi itu memang sedap..di rendam dgn air panas. wow! sangat lazat. sebab itu lah temanya ' Mi maggi sedap dimasak cepat dimakan'. tapi, gue lagi suka makan secara mentah. tak tau apsal..dari kecik suka makan maggi mentah. sangat sedap..sehingga kfc lalu depan mata pun buat tak tau jerk...mungkin bahana terlebih MSG?MSG??sila google atau elgoog!

Sabar itu penting! jangan mogok. jangan buat demonstrasi jalanan. ayuh kita ke kedai mamak. hirup teh tarik sambil menyedut haruman-haruman kayu manis. yeah!

Mati Hidup Kembali

Lirik Mati Hidup Kembali - Butterfingers

mati hidup kembali (cut) - butterfingers









Jam itu memang betul!

It come almost every miliseconds. wow! it's critical!

Did Chelsea have enough power?

Yeah! Definitely not. Liverpool won 0 -1 last weekend! hahaha. All Kopites should smile with the result!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Yesterday was really massive traffic jam along LDP. huh. i need to make a U turn and drive along KESAS highway. thank god, the traffic was okie. So, if you see heavy traffic to Shah Alam using LDP...make a U turn and use KESAS. it will be much better! yesterday, i only can play futsal about 30 minutes as i reach the venue at 645pm. haha. demm! it was slow moving traffic along NPE and when the flow was okie, i drive like a crazy..hahaha.. yesterday..i feel come every second...every moment..i feel like can't wait...i can't wait.....

Friday, October 24, 2008


Madir! Lets work in KL again. Lets finish our unfinished business. we have lot of stuffs before three of us make our own way.

Setiap Saat

Yeah, every moment...remind me to you! it is critical :)


This is not a band. maybe just couple of friends hang out together scrumming some riffs and made a really awesome song. First i found it in Myspace Music, really cool! Nice lyrics..nice melody..awesome voice...with pure melodic tune!huh! listen to them!

Cela - Boneca

Konflik Metropolis+Komplot

Konflik Metropolis - Komplot
titik peluh yang telah kau kerahkan
meresap dalam kehidupan
ku gembira
kau mahu ku ikut rentak mu
dari jendela ku….
itu silapmu

berdansa bersama
ikut rentak irama
ku gembira kau gembira
kita ubat segala luka

kehebatan si dia kau kagumi
ku tahu kau akan kecapi
kau gembiraa
lepaskan beban yang kau pikul dari hidupmu

repeat chorus

kau harus tahu semua yang kau inginkan
sebelum ia musnah didepan muuuu

cuba cuba kau fikirkan
tentang erti kehidupan
dalam dirimu ada aku
tidak tidakkah kau merasa
tentang realiti dunia
cukup sudah penat lelah kau memperhambakan dirimu…

pet pet pett peet pet pet pet… ( bunyi saksofon )

It is Guris again!

07 twickheads - guris.MP3 -

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yup. i'm hungry. i just ate a little bit. huh! terbayang-bayang kambing panggang tadi...slurpsssss...uiii....tak tahan...tak tahan....frust tak dpt bergambar...huh!

Last night sold out

I did not wakeup for Liverpool match against Atletico Madrid. maybe i have a comfortable sleep or maybe i forgot about the match. i did open my eyes few times, but i forgot about the match. it is 1-1 draw. malam ni sangat sejuk...rasa ngilu bila tarik nafas....tapi kalau rasa 'pedih'...lagi teruk rasanya..hehhe. so tomorrow will be company open house. let see who will wear the most 'jambu' baju melayu. i'm not sure how to go there..but i know the place. maybe just need to follow NPE then make a u turn at Jalan Tangsi..then follow the Bukit AMAN Street. yeah it just beside the National Mosque. yesterday was 'great' :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Promise & promises

"i will not lie" because i am not a good liar. it is only to make the fhoto remain mystery...:). no more secret!

some old pic IV

from 2006 family day!

Lirik Guris+Twickheads

Ku percaya padamu
ku percaya padamu
ku turutimu

kau mengkhianati aku
kau permainkan perasaanku
kau menikam dan meludahku
kau dekatkan

sendiriku menangis
menangis dalam kekecewaan
ku sendiri
menangisku ku menangis
menangis dalam keseorangan

sendiriku pelajari
pengalaman hidup sendiri
ku sendiri
relakan relakan
agarku mampu berdiri sendirian…..

what a kewl song!

Hey, i just found a cool song from a band call Twickheads. The song which play by Ali during his 1st show. really cool song! maybe you can download it here:

Guris - Twickheads

make this world kewl!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Lega = longgar in Kelantanese dialect.


"Hidup ini memang palat, tapi esok masih ada"

everyone has a secret!

"Everyone has a secret", a quote from KAMI The Movie. yeah,you feel good if you can keep a secret but when you tell someone what the secret is all will feel different. yeah, when Abu know Lynn is the Teka-teki, Lynn will feel weird. when ALi know Lynn is a pusher, both of them feel sucks. but it is different with Abu, after he tell the secret..he feel better but he found the dead end. huh! yeah the movie really cool but if Effendee can invite more cool bands with melancholy will be better.

Since there is no more secret..i feel weird.huh! So, i need to get prepared of what will happen. Yesterday evening, i feel really...huh...kinda upset. i can feel that..but i still wait..huyyo! so today, i feel lazy...i just wanna have a sleep till evening...i feel embarassed of what i told.huh! a mistake which will haunted for a live.huh. demm!

Monday, October 20, 2008

the answer is..

11! huh! is it true..1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, it should be 10..why 11? i don't know why. but the real answer is 10. yes. it definitely 10. whatever happen it will be 10. 10 were Zidane, Maradona, Luis Garcia. ten is a great number. hahaha. but i did wear number 11 since i was 12. i love the 10 but i wear 11. maybe because at that time Claudio Caniggia wearing number 11. why not 7? the answer is Becham & Ronaldo both totally sucks. hahha.

my friend just moving to new office & non-stop talking about his new great office. wow..tak tahaaaaaaaaan godaaaaaaaaaaaaan seh. hahhahaha. just stay deaf, dumb & blind!hehhe!

Lets go back and have a cup of black coffee.

Project 10100

Project 10100

Why this project?

Never in history have so many people had so much information, so many tools at their disposal, so many ways of making good ideas come to life. Yet at the same time, so many people, of all walks of life, could use so much help, in both little ways and big.

In the midst of this, new studies are reinforcing the simple wisdom that beyond a certain very basic level of material wealth, the only thing that increases individual happiness over time is helping other people.

In other words, helping helps everybody, helper and helped alike.

The question is: what would help? And help most?

At Google, we don't believe we have the answers, but we do believe the answers are out there. Maybe in a lab, or a company, or a university -- but maybe not.

Maybe the answer that helps somebody is in your head, in something you've observed, some notion that you've been fiddling with, some small connection you've noticed, some old thing you have seen with new eyes.

If you have an idea that you believe would help somebody, we want to hear about it. We're looking for ideas that help as many people as possible, in any way, and we're committing the funding to launch them. You can submit your ideas and help vote on ideas from others. Final idea selections will be made by an advisory board.

Good luck, and may those who help the most win.

p/s: today is the dateline.

i wish...

I wish i can have a good life. what should i do?huh!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Selamat Hari Mendownload!

Hey guys. i just found a good website for you to download & upload songs. Lets go to 4Shared.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 errr...9.....errrrr...duh!

Friday, October 17, 2008

some old pic III

some old pic II

some old pic

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Maafkan kaaaami...maafkan kaaami....for the past mistakes....

i miss u...

Butterfingers - Lengkap Semula

akan ku bina sebuah jambt emas
demi menghubungkan aku dgn nya
akan ku reka mesin merentas masa
supaya dpt bersamanya setiap masa dan ketika

akan ku rakam kan semua saat indah
bersamanya ke dalam sebuah pita video
akan ku reka kn sebuah lukisan
untuk mengmbrkn agungnya

akan ku ciptkn sebuah kpl angkasa
utk ku pergi ke sana bersama2nya
akan kubina istana semegah taj mahal
sebagai tanda kasih sayang ku yg kekal abadi

06 Lengkap Semula.mp3 - Butterfingers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i did it again..

I did a mistake again..:(

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

jom jogging!

kapla ku sodaa pening memikirkan solution.adus!tolong-tolong!


Adakah fiber cable yang rosak atau kpala ku yang semakin pening?duh!

sarjit singh hullon!

Ahad lepas, selepas balik dari open house...tiba-tiba hujan yang amat lebat. daaa, kat depan ada sorang macha dok jalan kaki buat rilek jerk..macam tak hujan...then da nak sampai rumah..ada sorang mama neh dok jogging dlm hujan yang amat lebat..skali gue terfikir..."Dunia ini semakin are!". kalau dulu,hujan..semua orang akan berlari cari tempat berteduh..but now...semua orang buat rilek jerk!duh!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Kah kah kah! Datuk Shah Rukh Khan???? berjasanya die kat Malaysia neh...kah kah kah

spaghetti itu amat sedaps!wow!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Victim Song

Yesterday i reach the office at 8 but dunno what to do. so i park my car, then looking for music cd. suddenly i found a black cd. so i put into my player. oh my god...this is an old cd by my is recorded about six years back. a very noisy punk rock song but with a melodic tune. wow this is great. but the songs only for fun and self expression. hahha. i think i have 1 more cd but i dunno where i put. it is really hard to find that cd..because there is no label at all. huh! the 2nd cd is more bautiful lyrics. i love the song call Victim Song. An accoustic rhythm my Mahadir the Sitaris!

Everyday i pray for these things to change.stop oppressing and killing innocents.and we hate your propanganda and your’re evil, like to see they all die.c/o:although we share the same sun and breath the same air.the prejudice so thick in your heart.although we share the same sun and breath the same air.the tears will never change your mind.

The whole world keep on talking.but no action taken.they blind their eyes,deaf their ears. And chain their hands.rain of bullets night and days.they live in’re evil , like to see they all die.

Friday, October 10, 2008

finally it is hundred

Yay!happy hundred post.anyway....tertidur lagi.....then suddenly wake up...i got flu at 530am...huh....terrible. hey,my busy life started again. i need to use my brain again..hahhaa..i thought i can be lazy about a month...but..not. haha. whatever. yesterday after had my lunch at Kerinchi...i walk to my buddy car then i saw an mid age woman holding her baby (about a year..i think)...while cooking some food to sell. sangat kasihan...rasa nak je borong makanan die byk2.biar die untung berlipat ganda. thank god...blajar pandai skit. kalo tak..sure dah keje kat supermarket...kilang ke ape ke...but...sumer tu semuanya halal! sangat bersyukur boleh sampai level ni. thats why i'm not complain about my job. haha. i love my job...luv it!

adoi..idung tersumbat...haruskan esok amik MC seperti yang di advisekan? kah kah kah. hanya loser yang amik MC sebab tanak tulis reason dkat 'punch in'..hehhe...i got work to settle...ntah2 this weekend i need to work:)..padan muka!hahhaha..

U look wonderful yesterday sweetie!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kapitalis atau Kapital-E?

Lets start using local products! hehhee...yeah...i try to stop multinational products like Pepsi/Coca Cola by buying is coool drinks...less carbonate...but i still love to eat at McD/ we open the hari raya hamper and it is contain of local halal food. it's great. i did not notice that b4 there are many local halal food (which is have halal logo) in the market..i did not go to Starbucks but i go to Coffee Bean because it has halal logo (alasaaaan)...hahhaha....padahal teh tarik mamak lagi syoks....tapi...confirm ke india yang keje kat kedai so called mamak tu adalah muslim? konfius!

Live Everyday Like It's The Best Day In Your Life

Last night i watch Reign on Me movie. I seldom watch movie...but i love this is kewl!..about a is about two hours movie. The story is about Dr Charlie Fineman who is having psychological problem after all his family members died in an airplane crash. he try to avoid everything which is related to his family...all memories...what a sad should watch this. if i'm rich like Dr Charlie...i'll do the same thing too...hahhaa..what a funny idea!

Reign Over Me

this movie really kewl!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Asap kotor...atas dapur

Hmmm...i still have couple of weeks to decide..either it will be master or quit. but...if i look at the current is better to quit...huh! of course it will make many people happy...yup! if i do master....i need to sacrifice most of my weekend in lecture hall....if i quit..maybe i can sleep all the day during weekend..hehhee..but where should i go? i still do not know...maybe somewhere around here...maybe somewhere a few hundred kilos from here...huh! if i follow my friend two years ago...i think i do not have to think about this anymore...hahhaa..padan muka! ahahaa..jom beli gitar..lakukan muzik! cam poyo jer.pegang gitar pon tak reti..hahhaa...cis! alamak..citer KAMI lom tengok lagi...huh!

i feel bored..i feel anonymous..and i feel i wanna go for movie right now..what a bulls**t i dea....hahhaa...huh! just wait 530pm..then go home...or maybe listen to melancholy songs. i should get myself busy again..again and again...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

yes i am

Yes! definitely sad.

Lets go 'E'

Ockay! Lets buy Nokia E Series. It is kewl!

hmmmm...yesterday was a boring day....hmmmm.....

anyway..i will sell my old N80 soon at RM500..hehehee..

Monday, October 6, 2008


p/s: hehhee ini semuanya super impose..jangan terpengaruh....hehhe


To find your Mac address you need to type in the following code from your E71's homescreen...


From there you will see your code that you must write down and punch in to the field that is asking for it. After this you should have access to the network.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Esok skolah..yay!

I felt very tired.....damn tired after travel about 1500km...ehh...touch & go card can buy new handphone or not????hahhaaa....i still have RM4993 in my Touch & Go card....but..i already check...and the card only can be used at toll gate and few outlets in KL...huh! i though i win the contest is a mistake by the system...hahhaa...within this two weeks if the bank did not call me...i'll consider it is a gift to me...hahha....just wanna let you know guys...i'll get E71 for very cheap price..hehheee...

okie..tomorrow we all will start working again..huh..i feel damn lazy....should i take a leave?nope...i'll promise i'll work on monday:)

i'll be back to my hometown again next month...qada' cuti hari raya...:)..i'll miss you mom!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hari ini dalam kuali

Yes, i reached my hometown at 930am on 1st took 1 hour from Tangkak to KL..huh...if i'm worried i'll do everything..normally from Tangkak to KL took about 2 hour at least...i took a rest for about half & hour and start my journey to my hometown...i'm not sleepy at is a great journey for me..i reach my home at 930pm and my mom already sleep....i thought she was sulking....of course i'm worried...i sleep then wake up for Liverpool game at 245am....the next morning...i went to my father's hometown..visit my sister of my grandmother (cmana ntah nak panggil)...she sick for a few motnhs...she did not recognize my sister but recognize me..hehehee..

Okie yesterday....i'll drive again back to KL...then to Tangkak again..huh! i am really..really tired....tired............but i have a great story for you....okie...i went for ATM to draw few hunders to give to my mom...then...i reload my touch & go card for about RM50...the current balance is about RM 11.30..then i reload suppose to be RM61.30..but...hehhehee....the balance become RM5011.30....hehhee......i thought it was a mistaken...or maybe error on printing..but yesterday i use it for the toll and it is really the touch and go can be used for shopping...of course i'll buy Nokia E71..hahhahhaaa.....i will post the picture soon..hehhhee..