Open your windows at night. The air cools off significantly during the night under most weather conditions. Keep the windows throughout your house open after the sun goes down so the cooler air can circulate, lowering the temperature of your home.Step2
Use ceiling fans wherever possible. Set them on the "summer" setting forcing the air down and pushing the warm air up towards the ceiling. While redistributing the warm air, it is pushing cooler air down towards the floor and creates a comfortable breeze.Step3
Close your windows and blinds during the day. The closed window keeps the hot air from getting in and warming your home, and the closed blinds or curtains reflect sunlight back outside instead of allowing it to bake the inside of your house.Step4
Place fans in the windows if one side of your house is shaded and cooler than the others. The fan should be facing inwards to pull the cooler air into the room; place another fan blowing outward in another window (keep your blinds down to the level of the fan to keep out the sunlight). This pulls the cooler air through the house and pushes the warmed air outside again.Step5
Refrain from using appliances that create heat such as the oven, and use the washer and dryer as little as possible. Stovetops and humidifiers also throw off heat, although these are most likely necessary items. The humidifiers pull the moisture from the air to create a dryer, more comfortable heat.
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