Tuesday, October 21, 2008

everyone has a secret!

"Everyone has a secret", a quote from KAMI The Movie. yeah,you feel good if you can keep a secret but when you tell someone what the secret is all about...you will feel different. yeah, when Abu know Lynn is the Teka-teki, Lynn will feel weird. when ALi know Lynn is a pusher, both of them feel sucks. but it is different with Abu, after he tell the secret..he feel better but he found the dead end. huh! yeah the movie really cool but if Effendee can invite more cool bands with melancholy sound..it will be better.

Since there is no more secret..i feel weird.huh! So, i need to get prepared of what will happen. Yesterday evening, i feel really...huh...kinda upset. i can feel that..but i still wait..huyyo! so today, i feel lazy...i just wanna have a sleep till evening...i feel embarassed of what i told.huh! a mistake which will haunted for a live.huh. demm!