Sahabat untuk selamanya
Bersama untuk selamanya
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya setia
Sahabat untuk selamanya
Atasi semua perbedaan
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya
Selamanya setia
Sahabat untuk selamanya
Berbagi dan saling menjaga
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Padi - Sahabat Selamanya
Posted by karim rambo at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Aku seorang yang malas. serius! malas untuk buat something yang berfaedah. tapi cukup rajin untuk buat something agak kurang faedahnye. mula-mula malas tu datang sikit..lama-lama malas tu semakin bertambah. macam simpan duit,sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit (yo yo poyo je leh jadi bukit). mungkin sbb aku kurang motivation,sebab tu jadi malas. itu semua alasan..alasan untuk menyelamatkan diri. Mungkin environment...tempat kerja or maybe rumah. aku rasa both!
Motivation datang dlm banyak bentuk. duit..gejet..aweks...hehehe. faktor yang last skali tu boleh buat jantan yang malas akan jadi rajin..rajin nak pegi ofis...kalau boleh nak stay kat ofis sampai malam. hhehehe. itu memang motivasi yang natural. tak perlu serious relationship. sekadar sikap mahu 'usha' aweks...itu dah cukup buat lelaki untuk lebih bersemangat..lebih rajin. apatah lagi kalau ada aweks yang gorgeous dan amat hot! cuba tengok lelaki yang bekerja di KLCC. semuanya bersemangat..sbb aweks kat situ amat gorjez. kalau aku keje kat situ,sure pukul 8 pagi aku dah sampai ofis...tolong bukak pintu ofis.hahhaa. memang btol itu boleh dikira merepek. tapi kalau itu dikira merepek,jom kita compare dengan sikap busuk hati. lebih kurang je kan?
Hari tu, aku pegi dinner. makan sedap! tetibe ada sorang aweks bersama maknye makan kat depan aku. kalau aku tak usha, pelik laa plak kan. takkan nak pejam mata. kalau pakai glasses...memang jakun plak jadinye. so aku tengok die...kadang2 die tengok aku...hehe...bukannye cun sangat..tapi boleh di consider amat terharu memandangnya..hahhaha...nasib baik aku cuma insan biasa..kalau tak...aku kena kerja dengan lebih rajin...tapi aku mane bleh buat overtime...hmmm....kalau rajin sangat macam dua taun lepas...pulangannya pun sama...kalau tak rajin sangat macam taun lepas..pulangannya tetap sama...jadi aku rasa kesimpulan yang boleh di buat...effort itu cuma one piece of cake...the rest is nothing...if you show a good personality...u will get fact...thats the way people judge to each it true?
Tapi duit cuma mainan hidup. kalau banyak duit..kita akan rasa senang...kalau takde duit kita akan rasa susah...tapi kita pernah berjimat masa kita ada banyak duit?for sure tak laa kan. sure kite nak beli kasut Puma laaa..nak beli jam Guess laaa nak beli jeans Levis laaa...ape?cool sangat ker kalau pakai jam Guess?cool pakai kasut Puma?bagi aku kalau dapat pakai kasut Carefree kaler biru..itu baru dikire amat cool. sbb kasut tu ibarat,'i'm a free man,are u?'
Kesimpulannya...takkan aku nak cari awek cun untuk buat aku jadi rajin. itu sudah dikire hilang akal tuh!
Posted by karim rambo at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
gua sudah miss...
2 tiga hari lepas...aku hilang sekejap di perantauan...bukan sebab aku pergi jenjalan..tapi sbb pergi kerja. mula-mula rasa sangat tak cool sbb sudah miss open house. cheiss! tapi takpe..sbb miss open house..kitorang pegi beraya umah orang lain. aku dapat dengar cerita-cerita best..cerita-cerita hutan. kira ok laa tuh. slagi kaki aku kat sini,taun depan punyaa open house bole pegi.tade hal!
aku rasa bisnes itu memang bagus..tapi aku rasa ia sangat complicated. banyak sangat laluan...ada sukar..ada senang..tapi kalau ada cita-cita..sure bole punya. tapi bila terdengar cerita pasal bisnes...moral jadi down skejap. mggu lepas dah dengar cerita dari sedara."aku tak suka fight dlm bisnes. aku nak bisnes senang." ko memang bole laaa..ko punya kabel...memang besar giler.potong dengan kapak pun takkan putus.cheis! moral jadi down lagik.
tapi bagi aku..di situ ada tujuan..di situ sure ada halangan..dan di situ pasti ada jalan. takpe..slow slow...blajar dulu...jangan menggelabah...muka kena confident..hati mesti kuat..baru boley bjaya. tapi ada ke jalan singkat untuk bjaya?aku rasa takde...mesti kena ada usaha...cuma usaha tu yg sedikit kurang...
quality life mesti kena dinaikkan. bukan maksudnya...tiap2 hari makan mahal. maksud aku..kalau member gaji 10k kita kena upkan bior lebih dari 10k sebulan. sape nak bagi gaji camtu?aku pun tak tau. mungkin..lepas keje..kena buat part time jual karipap ker..mungkin keje kat Tesco..takpun buat bisnes jual kapal ker...fuh itu sudah lebey tuuu..itu bukan 10k sebulan..itu sudah dikira...banyak sangat tuhhh. tapi ape nak buat...kita mau senang...nak menipu orang..tak reti...nak cilok duit orang...tak reti...nak tak nak..tpaksa laa buat kerja-kerja yang halal untuk tambah duit...
oops...dah pukul 0449. selamat malam. semoga kita bahgia dengan hidup kita...
Posted by karim rambo at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Harga Rokok Sudah Naik
Perhatian. harga rokok sudah naik. sila merokok dengan gigih supaya ekonomi malaysia makin maju:)
Posted by karim rambo at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Dah beberapa kali aku cuba untuk download movie Once. tapi aku rasa macam buang masa. so aku tangguhkan jer niatku tuh. semalam,lepas sahur...aku rasa aku patut download. so aku download then tidur. so bangun pagi, gosok gigi tengok pc..yes! download complete! so aku pegi keja,macam biasa..mata merah..tak cukup tidur..seperti seorang yang kurang kasih sayang. bulan puasa ni..keje cam tak busy aku pun ape subtitle..then bukak movie 'Once' aku download. Well, the movie intro very nice..very funny with few beautiful bytes. Memang Once menepati citarasa aku. Once ni dia cerita pasal seorang busker ni 'Glen Hansard'..dari seorang busker..cuba mengubah nasih dia dengan buat demo lagu-lagu yang dia dah tulis. First song aku aku cukup impress 'Say it to me now'. Start dengan slow bytes...suddenly with heavy chorus...a very beautiful song...Once memang citernya sweet & cool.
Sountrack memang cool. kalau anda rasa cool, sila download. kalau rasa tak cukup cool...jangan layan..sebab...orang yang cool jer pandai layan citer camni :)
Malam tadi,ada majlis berbuka puasa kat ofis seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. tahun ni, makin ramai staff yang datang. ada yang tak pnah jumpa pun ada. punya lah ramai. majlis-majlis camni bagus untuk berkenalan. nasib baik aku tak 'ter'berkenalan dengan orang-orang baru ni yang terdiri dari kalangan gadis-gadis. hehhehe. tapi nyaris-nyaris gak laaa. makan kira ok..puas hati ada kambing golek. so dalam ramai-ramai ni..ada sorang braderrr ni...die makan boleh tahan...hujan pun brenti..tapi dia rilek je pulun kambing...kalo aku..sure sakit kepala kalau makan banyak sangat. tapi..dia muda..mungkin masih naive pasal-pasal penyakit. tapi seronok gak aku tengok die dok pulun kambing golek tuh. mungkin itu dia punya first time makan kambing free,sbb tu dia seronok. ape-ape pun, yang penting...lantak lah ape orang nak kata..asalkan die puas hati dengan ape yang dia buat. tapi sedikit kelakar laa sbb die agak kekurangan sifat segan...tapi itu dia punya kelebihan..aku pun tade kelebihan macam tu.
So, smalam..last day aku kerja bulan puasa tahun neh. agak sedikit ralat sebab aku sangat malas untuk turun bertadarus. sifat malas yang aku bawak dari rumah sampai ke tempat kerja. itu kelemahan yang patut dibaiki. tapi lepas raya,sure keadaan akan kembali normal selepas makan roti canai di Kedai Hassan hehhee.tapi tahun ni lebih ok dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya..walaupun agak jarang ke mesjid untuk terawikh..tapi aku buat secara solo. ramadhan cuma sebulan je setahun. aku rasa tak patut aku lepaskan peluang untuk perbetulkan hidup yang agak sukar untuk difahami..sukar untuk segalanya. tapi...yang sukar selalunya lebih ber-erti. bak kata pepatah ' Every man die,but not evey man lives'.
Jadi, jangan lupa untuk dengar 'Say it to me now' berulang kali. kalau yang menghisap rokok..sila layan selepas berbuka sbb ia akan lebih bermakna.
Posted by karim rambo at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: movie
Say it To me Now
I'm scratching at the surface now
And I'm trying hard to work it out
So much has gone misunderstood
This mystery only leads to doubt
And I didn't understand
When you reached out to take my hand
And if you have something to say
You'd better say it now
Cause this is what you've waited for
Your chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow
Cause this is what you've waited for
A chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow
Cause I'm picking up a message Lord
And I'm closer than I've ever been before
So if you have something to say
Say it to me now
Say it to me now
Say it to me now
Posted by karim rambo at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Selamat Hari Merdeka.
Merdeka kah kita?kita memang merdeka dari kuasa British. tapi merdeka kah kalau kita sepanjang masa ber facebook? cuba pergi ker McD..melepak tengah2 malam sambil makan Big Mac. cuba tengok anak-anak muda. masing-masing bukak laptop. aku tengok kiri...facebook...kanan facebook...belakang facebook..depan facebook...macam lah tak boleh main facebook kat rumah. sampai nak melepak makan pun nak layan facebook. kentut sungguh minda diorang neh. facebook itu bagus..bagus untuk merapatkan silaturrahim..tapi bagus juga untuk merenggangkan silaturrahim. kan kan?
Bagi aku,facebook..tempat untuk menjadi glamer. glamer dari sudut bisnes..sudut enterpreneur. sebab kat situ kita dapat promote bisnes..promote kita punya servis...(perhatian:kepada 'arbok' jangan laa promote korang punya servis kat sini). facebook juga dianggap sebagai socialeconomics oleh enterpreneur IT. tapi aku rasa, for the next 3 years...facebook akan kurang glamernye..sama ape yang dah jadi pada Myspace & Friendster. tapi untuk menjadi 'rare' seeloknya anda tiada facebook sbb kalau ada facebook sekalipun..aku tidak akan kelihatan lebih kacak..tidak akan kelihatan seperi Rosham Nor...dan mungkin tidak akan kelihatan banyak duit seperti taukeh Ramli Burger. tapi untuk menjadi cool, anda harus ada facebook. mungkin anda akan dapat aweks yang cun tak ingat yang turun dari kayangan..mungkin akan dapat boyfriend yang ennnsem tak ingat macam Roy Azman...& mungin anda dapat jumpa kembali rakan-rakan anda semasa anda masuk tadika dulu..muakekkekek...ape-ape pun...ada bagus..dan ada yang kurang bagus...tepuk dada...rilek duluuuu..tunggu pukul 530 baru tanya selera.
Hari ni memang aku merdeka. merdeka sbb dapat bangun selewat yang mungkin. tapi sedikit frust sbb pukul 1030 aku dah terjaga. tak capat target nak bangun pukul 1230. slalunya aku akan tidur selepas subuh..tapi tadi..aku tertidurrr selepas sahur....aduss! eh..hari ni dah berapa hari puasa ekk?aku cukup fail bab-bab nak kira hari neh. sape pegi Jalan TAR malam tadi memang untung. jalan tak jem..orang tak ramai sangat...sape tak pegi..dikira rugi sbb kalau lain hari sure orang ramai giler. mungkin orang tanak kluar sbb takut jem..jem nak sambut merdeka..
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan
Posted by karim rambo at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
bubur jadi McD
Bulan puasa tahun ni rasa sedikit malas untuk bekerja. bukan apa, mengantuk tuu lebih banyak dari lapar. so akibatnya, akan jadi rasa malas untuk bergerak...malas untuk menaip..malas untuk mengira...hmmm. mungkin patut tidur lebih awal. kadang-kadang bila difikirkan..kalau hujan blackberry asyik kena kat aku..syok juge. tapi kalau hujan beban..hujan masalah..memang pening kepala. lepas aku..aku...then..aku lagi..lagi lagi aku..huh! sebab aku rasa tak confident..thats why aku rasa membebankan. aku tak confident sebab aku rasa tak cukup skill & pengetahuan untuk bercerita. tapi apa nak buat....bubur sudah jadi menu McD. kalaulah dapat training yang cukup...hmm..senang cerita.
Aku suka, kalau aku lebih tahu..tapi maslahnya..aku tak tau. later berbelit-belit laa jawapannya.
Kalau lah ada bisnes sendiri..sure bulan-bulan posa ni aku tidur je kat umah..hehe.
kadang-kadang aku konfius..mana semua orang ini pegi?serius..kalau dapat chow..sure aku chow!
Posted by karim rambo at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
tidur,berbuka dan sahur
Semalam genap hari ke-ampat bulan Ramadhan. Macam biasa, berpuasa di hari minggu. sahur pukul 0430-0500. lepas sahur layan internet sampai subuh. azan subuh...solat subuh. sangat syok dapat solat subuh awal waktu. jarang-jarang dapat neh! lepas subuh..sambung lagi surfing..surfing pasal teknologi...pasal small business..pasal open source...baca cerita-cerita dari blog teman-teman. sebenarnya kalau terus tido lepas solat subuh itu lagi nikmat..tapi bila bangun...perut jadi kembung...jadi ni aku buat taktik baru...weekend..tidur selepas terbit matahari. so effectnya..bila aku bangun even pukul 12...perut tak kembung..tak rasa lapar...pastu rasa nak tidur lagi jer..sbb ngantuk yang amat. so bulan puasa ni..kadang kalau balik kampung..boleh jumpa kueh-kueh yang agak rare. contoh nya: NekbatKat KL agak sukar nak jumpe kueh ni. kalau kat pasar ramadhan keramat..mungkin ada. kueh ni kalau ada kencing manis...sila elakkan. sbb, manisnya ...yang amat. tapi sedap!
ada satu lagi yang agak rare: Jeruk MamanNi memang sedap kalau makan dengan nasi & budu+ ikan kering. fuh! orang-orang muda mungkin da tak pandai makan jeruk maman@mame neh. dulu-dulu parent memang suka makan,so anak-anak akan join sama. tapi ni tak dikire sebagai kueh..ini dikira macam sayur untuk dimakan bersama nasik.
Kalau kat KL, aku rasa tak banyak mende yang menarik kat pasar ramadhan. rupa nampak sedap..tapi kualiti tarak. itu pengalaman dari pasar ramadhan. susah nak cari yang pure! alangkah untungnya sesape yang bekerja kat kampung. semua makanan bole dikire macam asli. tade tipu-tipu.semua ori!
Sesekali teringin nak berbuka ala kadar jer. sekadar makan kebab+air. then later baru makan berat sikit..
Posted by karim rambo at 6:07 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hari ni tersangatlah mengantuknyaaa..macam lah hari-hari lain tak mengantuk..kalau dilayan...memang lingkup. tup tup dah masuk hari kedua bulan ramadhan. rasa macam baru je raya...then ramadhan datang lagi. asal ramadhan..sure macam-macam makanan orang jual kat PARAM (pasar ramadan) word yang diperkenalkan member yang agaknya dah 5 taun aku tak jumpa. tapi actually, bukan sedap sangat pun. cuma sbb kite lapar..kite nampak sedap jer. tayar motor tu di cat kaler merah..sure lagi nampak sedap. kalo boleh semua makanan nak dibeli. bukan aper..takut tak cukup kenyang. tapi kalau kenyang sangat..kang jadi 'sleeping buddha' plak. masa kecik-kecik, bulan puasa ni sangat best. lpas solat maghrib, terus pegi mesjid. mula-mula solat terawikh...lepas tu..join kawan-kawan pegi main mercun. lesen besar beb. bukan senang nak kluar malam...& memang parent aku tak bagi pun kluar malam. main mercun roket...lawan tembak-tembak. sampai masuk dalam kain...menggelabah kluarkan...nasib baik tak meletup lagi...kalo tak...masyaallah..:)
ada gak kawan-kawan yang kreatif time bulan posa jer. tetibe laa pandai buat bom. nasib baik dulu takde kes pengganas neh. kalo tak sure masuk Kamunting. tapi sape yang buat mercun sendiri ni memang berani. kalau silap taktik...makan nasik pakai kaki ler jawabnye.
dulu kalau di serdang, die pnyer PARAM sangat meriah. sampaikan nak jalan pun susah. dan yang lagi penting yang aku mau tekankan...kalau pegi PARAM sure dapatla tengok awek-aweks yang paling tip top kat area serdang. tapi tengok je laa kan kan duit mane ade..sengkek! yang tip top cuma akan pilih yang berkereta paling tip top. itu resmi anak muda. tapi masa bulan ramdhan ni gakler dapat tengok manusia berubah..ada yang nakal...jadi baik skit..ada yg garang..jadi lebut sikit..ada yang selama setahun aku kenal sebagai brader yang paling rock kat area sini..tetibe bukan puasa...die jual kueh. memang tak bole blah. at least jual laa ikan bakar ker..nampak ler jugak elemen-elemen rock tuh. ini die pegi jual kueh...dahle rambut panjang..dah macam poondan ler plaks.hehhe. adoi...tapi,itu pilihan dia...macam aku..ini pilihan aku...walau pahit..ada juga manisnya seketika..hmmmm
Posted by karim rambo at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
Weezer - Put Me Back Together
Put Me Back Together Lyrics
(One, Two Three, Four)
When I walk down the street,
I be trippin' on my feet
And my clothes, they don't match
and my blue jeans need a patch
It's cold outside, is there someone there tonight?
It's cold outside, would you let me come inside, and make it right?
Here, it's clear, that I'm not getting better
When I fall down you put me back together
My hairdo isn't cool
And my lips are lined with drool
I'm a mess since you left
You can use this fool
I'm gonna use this too
It's cold outside, is there someone there tonight?
It's cold outside, would you let me come inside, and make it right?
Here, it's clear, that I'm not getting better
When I fall down, you put me back together
I'm alone in my room
I don't know what to do
When I fall down, you put me back together
And when I daydream
We're eating ice cream
It's such a nice scene
But then I wake up cryin'
I know I've just been lyin'
Right here, it's clear, that I'm not getting better
When I fall down, you put me back together
Here, it's clear, that I'm not getting better
When I fall down, you put me back together
I'm alone in my room
I don't know what to do
When I fall down, you put me back together
Posted by karim rambo at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: lyrics
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bila kita bekerja secara caca merba...hasilnya for sure akan jadi merepek. sama cam kita bawak bola...then pass kat defender untuk score..for sure chances untuk score gol cuma ada 20% instead of pass the ball to the striker which is scoring ratio up to 90%. kadang-kadang rasa sedikit hampeh sebab bila nak something,tak cakap directly..pass sana..pass sini. dah buat elok-elok..cantekk pnyer...sekali daaa...nak yang lain plak...ape salahnya..kalau firm dengan apa yang kita mau. senang...tak payah susah-susah..tak payah pening kpala...tapi apakan daya..aku seorang supir...hehhee
Kalau kita buat something...ikut jalan yang betul...sure...hasilnya akan jadi yang terbaik. tapi aku kadang-kadang konfius dengan apa yang jadi skang. pelik. masing-masing ada tujuan sendiri. masing-masing mau isi poket. masing-masing mau bawak partner sendiri..tak kira tebing dan pagar..semuanya diredah. mungkin ada 'hidden cost' kooot! ini cerita yang slalu aku dengar di kedai kopi...bukan aku yang bawak ceritaaa daaa..dah macam drama spektra kat tv1 daaa.
Dalam masa setahun dari bulan 7, aku ada nak bayar hutang ptptn. hehehhe..mana mau cari duit, itu ada plan baik punya!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yay!Spain won the 2010 World Cup!
Sape cakap spain tak boley menang?hehehe
tapi final match yang ultra bosan.ntah cmana laa Howard Web bleh jadi ref untuk final...macam hampeh!
Posted by karim rambo at 12:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Skodeng btolllah
Maybe another couple of is the right time to move on.
July..always..the worst month ever...everything happened in July...huh!
but..what happened teach me a new thing...mungkin ada hikmah...maybe!
Sometimes we feel like being used...sometimes we feel unappreciated...
So many times....i got an opportunity...but...i feel like i can't..but..
I should start from something which i can enjoy it...but..
man man laaa doe!
Posted by karim rambo at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
England bukan kalah
England bukan kalah..cuma kena titik dengan Jarman 4-1 jerk. Amendee laa Capello punya taktik. tak masuk akal langsung. Defensive Midfielder lari slow cam kekure..nak potong striker lawan pun tak dapat... Matthew Upson slalu tertinggal kat blakang...Terry macam longgar lutut..yang paling best skali...Rooney laju cam pelesit..muakekkekek..the end of Meysersider stiker era...
Lapar doe....nyesal buat-buat tanak makan tadik...cheisss
Tadik aku pegi print EPF statement...aku terperasan 'something'....
Posted by karim rambo at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 25, 2010
bola itu bulat
Malam tadi, match yang sangat saspen. saspen macam tengok citer thriller... fuhhh..bedebar doe!
Italy vs Slovakia. Finally Italy kalah 2-3 after a real football thriller. tapi...bola itu bukan 3 segi...
sama jer dengan life manusia...bukan slalu kita kat atas..akan sampai satu masa mungkin kita makin ke atas...mungkin jugak ke tengah-tengah...tahniah kepada pengantin-pengantin baru...semoga bahagia sampai akhir hayat...semoga murah rejeki..semoga....senyum hari-hari...
Cinta itu memang ultra cool. boleh buat jantan sampai meroyan..hahha. buat jantan kontrol ensem...'kontrol matured'-ayat paling glamer kalo melintas depan awek-awek cun masa kat skolah. serius,kat skolah aku ada satu kelas ni...pompuan 20..laki ada 3 orang jek. kelas tu plak kat tengah2 antara kelas-kelas lain. kalo member jenis yang tak cukup hebat..sanggup turun satu tingkat kalo nak pegi kelas lain...hampeh sungguh..aku pun termasuk dalam golongan-golongan yang lemah ituu...hahhahha
Bulan ini aku mau save! tapi aku bukan mau beli dslr..cuma aku takmau membazir...makan mahal-mahal....last-last ke lubang tinja jua akhirnya!
Aku rasa sudah sampai masanya mau berubah..berubah kepada yang lebih baik. berubah dari lalai kepada tak lalai..berubah daripada tercuri tulang kepada mencuri tulang...ooops...! tolong jangan catit nama aku..sbb aku ada gastrik..aku kena sarapan...kang aku sakit..sape nak tolong aku...anda bagaimana?....muakekkekekk? alasan je tuuu...yang penting...aku tau kewajipan aku..kalo salah..tetap salah..kalo tersalah....akhirat kita boleh buat kira-kira...
Ari tu...aku layan citer sedih doe! 'Marley & Me'. nyaris..nyaris nak nangis...tapi aku kontrol macho! tak jantan laa kalo nangis!
Oleh itu...opppss..aku nak pakai ayat neh..'justeru' itu...saya mau tidur...sbb saya ada ada masalah 'dyplorosis'. sila google kalau nak tau...kalau tak jumpa jawapannya...memang ngok lah seadanya...hihihi!
Posted by karim rambo at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Rafael Benitez
Rafael Benitez: You'll Never Walk Alone.
Benitez axe past few days was a nothing suprised. For me he did a good job at Anfield and better than Houllier even sometimes the tactics seem a self-destructive mode. He bring the 5th Champions League to Anfield which we watch the greatest modern football comeback in Istanbul and another Champions League Final agains AC Milan which saw Pippo Inzaghi score with his hand but this is football.
For the first season he bring a good player, Xabi Alonso and 'King' Luis Garcia who provide a really Spanish football antics display. Sometimes the spanish job also did by Djimi Traore with really beautiful ball control. Benitez also bring back Fowler for the second spell at Anfield.
Last season was a really the worst season ever for Liverpool and Benitez. Maybe his tactics to include Lucas for most every match detroyed the Liverpool hope.
O'neil, Hogson, Hiddink and Erickson are the new candidates but i prefer Hogson which i think has a better CV to manage the Anfield outfit. Maybe he bring back Murphy:)
Adios Benitez and You will always never walk alone!
Posted by karim rambo at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lets Wave!
Anyone have try Google Wave? well it is quite cool stuff! go to
With wave you can share many things such as maps,whiteboard and many more applications.
Posted by karim rambo at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: tech
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Gurau-gurau petang Rabu
Jangan solat laju-laju. kang kena speed trap,mana mau bayar saman?kat balai pulis boleh ker?ker nak bayar kat bandaran?hehehehe.
Samsudin btol lah sape yang bagi arahan.
ari ni main bola macam nak pegi kenduri doa selamat. ramai gilerrrr. kalo masa ni tolong kacau dodol..sure cool. kalau!
sape rasa ensem, sila minum air 'i miss u' kat Murni USJ!
sape rasa 'handalan' di pelawa untuk breakfast pada pukul 855 di Uncle Joe. Pastikan pakai topeng dan wig agar anda tidak dikenali. muakkekekkekek!
gurau-gurau jer jangan marah. kalo marah badan cepat naik!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
17 Popular Quotes about Chocolate
1. "Chocolate causes certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones that affect your feelings and behavior by making you happy. Therefore, it counteracts depression, in turn reducing the stress of depression. Your stress-free life helps you maintain a youthful disposition, both physically and mentally. So, eat lots of chocolate!" - Elaine Sherman, Book of Divine Indulgences
2. "Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar in four pieces with your bare hands--and then just eating one piece" - Judith Viorst
3. "Self-discipline implies some unpleasant things to me, including staying away from chocolate and keeping my hands out of women's pants." - Oleg Kiselev
4. "It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man." - Miranda Ingram
5. "Life is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump
6. "The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain." - Thomas Jefferson
7. "Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate." - Sandra Boynton
8. "If one swallows a cup of chocolate only three hours after a copious lunch, everything will be perfectly digested and there will still be room for dinner." - Brillat-Savarin
9. "It has been shown as proof positive that carefully prepared chocolate is as healthful a food as it is pleasant; that it is nourishing and easily digested... that it is above all helpful to people who must do a great deal of mental work." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
10. "If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?" - Marquise de Sévigné
11. "Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power. It is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits." - Baron Justus von Liebig
12. "Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies." - John Q. Tullius
13. "There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love chocolate, and communists." - Leslie Moak Murray
14. "Forget love... I'd rather fall in chocolate!" - Author Unknown
15. "There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and chocolate truffles." - Author Unknown
16. "My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex." - Alicia Silverstone
17. "After about 20 years of marriage, I'm finally starting to scratch the surface of that one. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate." - Mel Gibson in What Women Want.
Posted by karim rambo at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: info
Monday, May 10, 2010
Bisnes Tokek
Tokek adalah nama umum untuk menyebut cecak besar. Ada beberapa jenis tokek, namun istilah tokek biasanya merujuk kepada jenis tokek rumah berikut.
Tokek rumah adalah sejenis reptilia yang masuk ke dalam golongan cicak besar, suku Gekkonidae. Tokek rumah memiliki nama ilmiah Gekko gecko (Linnaeus, 1758). Dalam bahasa lain hewan ini disebut sebagai téko atau tekék (bahasa Jawa), tokék (bahasa Sunda), dan tokay gecko atau tucktoo (bahasa Inggeris) atau pun cicok kubin dalam bahasa Kelantan..muakekkekek.
Semua dok sibuk nak tangkap tokek neh. kat umah aku ada banyak cicak. agak2 kalau dijual dapat bape sen doe? tapi cicak zaman skarang sangat misteri. tengah2 malam bleh plak merayau atas lantai. bikin suspen jek. mula2, ingatkan lipas...skali daaa cicak...
Posted by karim rambo at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
what a season
Congratulation Chelsea for stopping Manc from winning their 19th title. Maybe another season..hehehe. But this season was a forgettable season for Liverpudlians. Finish at 7th. The season to wake up from a comfortable zone. The season to teach how to buy a good player. the season to not trust American. I'm very sure Gerrard & Torres will going nowhere. Well done to Spurs! they are really great from goal keeper to their striker were really amazing with team work.
But last nite match between Chelsea and Wigan really amazing. 8-0. what a record?
Posted by karim rambo at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Walkman cap AIWA
Hari ini kepala rasa seperti sedikit jem. Lepas 2/3 hari tak tdo malam, ngntuk yang di carry forward tu rasa sampai ari neh. rasa cam nak tdo..tapi.....mana mau tdo dol? ditambah plak dengan cuaca panas plakk..adoi..cemperit btol rasanya. tapi 'panas kat neraka lagi panas'! masa dok buat-buat sibuk menaip 2 malam yang lepas, tetibe henpom plak bunyi. awek mane lerr call tgh2 mlm neh. cheis! "Aku silap nombor ke ape neh". skali daa aku jawab "aku kenal ko..hhahhaa". tak sempat die nak mendajalkan aku pasal tak bayar loan lah bagai. actually member baik+lama+skoolmate yang call. sekali daa die cakap "aku rindu kat kau". gay laa plak. banyak kali plak tuu die cakap camtu. tapi saspen gak, mane laa tau kan zaman-zaman denggi neh. tapi memang lama kitorang tak kontek each other even setiap kali aku lalu kat town tempat die keje aku cepat2 korek phone aku check no die..but..takde.
"Kau still cam dulu ker?" skali aku cakap..'dah lain daaah'. "kau still layan muzik cam dulu-dulu?". aku pun cakap..layan gak..tapi more to folk and accoustic. masa muda memang bleh lari laju..dah tua..jalan slow-slow sudaaaa. "aku dah tinggalkan semua tu, allahuakbar..."." kalau boleh aku tanak lalui masa muda macam dulu". insaf btol bunyinyer. yup..memang betul. sampai bila mau standing still. "jom pegi minum, baru best nak berborak". skali aku tembak balik.."kepala hot dog kau"."kau ingat KL dgn Kemaman tu dkat?hehehe"."takper,next time aku ke sana..aku singgah tempat ko.
Seingat-ingat aku...memang semua skoolmates memang baik dengan aku...cuma a few yang btol-btol rapat sampai aku bleh ikut tdo kat umah diorg. arwah azit,matlo & mat duang. kalau kat rumah arwah azit paling kerap aku pegi. umah die style old skool gitu..then mak die jual kuih. so pukul 5 pagi..die kena bangun untuk tolong mak die buat kuih. tapi sebelum die bangun...dapat laa 2/3 bakul leteran mak die sbb die cuba gak nak tdo balik. tapi aku mmg kagum dengan arwah azit die. muka slalu happy cam takde masalah. pandai main gitar. tapi tu lah, tuhan lebih sayangkan die. rasa ralat gak sbb masa die ada,aku jarang jumpa die. time aku balik kampung..die keje..time die balik kampung aku lak keje.
Matlo plak, kepala gila-gila masa skolah tapi blajar pandai. telinga spanjang masa ada earphone. masa tu sape ada Walkman Sony ibaratkan macam ada IPOD laaa. tapi sape pakai walkman AIWA memang tak cool. Tetibe je pandai main drum sbb masa tu semua orang cuba untuk jadi drummer dengan mengetuk meja dengan pen. sekali tengok macam kena virus EBOLA laa plak budak2 neh.
Mat Duang,slalu kena kutuk masa form 4 sbb tak reti main lagu Boo Hoo Clapping song. tapi abis SPM tetibe je die muncul dengan band yang ramai budak2 minat sampai lah tahun 2 masa degree. tapi masa die dok sebilik dengan aku..memang slalu dok bcakap pasal falsafah laaa..hukum...hakam laaa..rebel laaa...ramai awek suke kat die laaa...mazni syok kat aku tapi aku tak syok kat die..muakekkekek last2 mazni tu jadi gf aku sekejap..hehhehe. last-last die cuba nak jadi mat rempit tapi gagal sbb hati die tak cukup kering. last-last aku dengar citer die da balik kampung, jadi tokey kedai motor.
Masa muda..memang fun..memang sronok. tapi bila ditinggalkan, rasa menyesal..rasa sedih dengan masa yang terbuang..oleh itu undilah BN sbb BN boleh bina jambatan kat Hulu Selangor
Posted by karim rambo at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: story
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So today got a very simple presentation but because a few months without speaking in the public i feel like 'alamak'. huh. then..macam biasa..dan dan nak tdo awal. pkul 9 tu dah ngntuk giler..baik tdo jek..then bangun balik at 230am. sambil2 buat keje..sambil2 tengok bola..nyaris nyaris nak tertengok aweks dlm intenet..kalau tertengok aweks..fuh..confirm keje tak siap..hehehe. itu mmg lumrah kehidupan...kalau tak ikut..lain plak jadinye. So hopefully everythings will be okie. tapi tadi masa layan nak tdo...tpikir gak...kalau ada keje yang gak. peluang ada..tapi rasanya.macam tak puas lagi bersusah-susah dengan keje. bak kata mohd salleh
" every man dies but not every man lives". tapi kalau dah sampai masanya..kena fikir gak tentang fulusss. kan kan? sampai bila mau menentang arus style kuak lentang kan kan. ada masa nya kena gak maju ke depan. tapi boleh ker? mana ada mende yang tak boleh kat dunia neh. yang haram je tak boleh. itu pun ramai yang buat-buat tak tau...ceh..arsenal score ler plakkk..hampeh
Posted by karim rambo at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
gilerrr ahhh ..full!
Gilerrr ahhh. schedule almost full! alamak..mampus...
isnin - criminal minds
selasa-desperate housewife
khamis- house (gilerrr ahhh...ini memang cool)
jumaat- tido awal
sabtu- escape from river
ahad- bola
dah takda masa lagi untuk baca buku...hehhehhe
Posted by karim rambo at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
TM UniFi Price Plans are out after a long wait since the launch yesterday evening. Let’s go straight to the details.
UniFi Home Users
3 Packages are offered: VIP5, VIP10 and VIP20 designated by its Broadband speeds
- 5Mbps Download/Upload
- 60GB Download Quota
- RM149/month
- 10Mbps Download/Upload
- 90GB Download Quota
- RM199/month
- 20Mbps Download/Upload
- 120GB Download Quota
- RM249/month
All UniFi Home (Residential) Packages comes with:
- Dynamic IP
- FREE Calls to all TM Fixed Lines (similar to TM Streamyx Combo)
- Flat Rate of 10sen/min to all mobile numbers
- FREE DECT Cordless phone, Premise Gateway (WiFi), IPTV Set Top Box (STB)
UniFi Business Users
3 Packages for commercial use are: BIZ5, BIZ10 and BIZ20
- 5Mbps Download/Upload
- Unlimited Download Quota
- Dynamic IP
- RM199/month
- 10Mbps Download/Upload
- Unlimited Download Quota
- Fixed IP
- RM599/month
- 20Mbps Download/Upload
- Unlimited Download Quota
- Fixed IP
- RM899/month
All UniFi Business Packages comes with:
- Flat Rate of 5sen/min to all TM Fixed Lines
- Flat Rate of 15sen/min to all mobile numbers
- FREE DECT Cordless phone, Premise Gateway (WiFi)
- 10GB Web Hosting with Domain Name
Posted by karim rambo at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: hsbb
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Helo helo
Memang btol lagi bagus diasingkan daripada menjadi hamba kemunafikan. sila lihat cermin dan kira brape bijik jerawat yang ada. kemudian cuba tanya, hensemkah@cantik kah aku? tapi jawapannya: walaupun kita ensem/cantik tapi kalo hati kite tak ensem/cantik...tak guna gak. buang karenn jek. kan?
Satu lagi: apsal kita suka pilih baju yang cantik untuk kite pakai then baju yang tak cantik..kite tak pakai-pakai? sedangkan semua baju tuu parent kita yang belikan. apsal baju tertentu jek kite pilih? senang jek, sbb kita ada sedikit kuasa untuk buat pilihan. so kite akan pilih cuma yang terbaekk untuk kite.
Memang ada orang yang berperangai sedikit samdol. tapi brapa lama die nak menyamdolkan dirinya? takkan sampai tua dia mau jadi samdol? cuba check sape yang samdol neh...
Potong. Wimax ker mende neh? takpe kat akhirat pandai-pandai laa jawab kan kan...
Posted by karim rambo at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The tachymetre scale can be used to compute many things, but it's primary purpose is to compute the speed after noting how long it takes to travel a fixed distance (e.g. one mile or kilometer). The dial is a scale which computes the function:
Tachymetre Dial = 3600 / Elapsed Time in SecondsThe scale is valid for all elapsed times from 7.2 seconds to 60 seconds. If the duration of the event is outside this range, then the answer on the dial is invalid.
For example, suppose you wanted to measure the average speed a racecar was traveling. After starting the chronograph function when the car passes the starting line, and stopping it after the car travels exactly one mile, you note that the chronograph hand is pointing at the 4 o'clock position (i.e. 20 seconds have elapsed) Looking beyond the 4 to the Tachymetre dial reveals the chronograph hand pointing at 180. This means that the average speed of the car would be 180 MPH.
Let's say, instead of the race car speed, you are measuring something much slower, like sailboat speed. In this case, you need to use a shorter distance because the elapsed time must fall within the 7.2 - 60 seconds range. For this example, let's say it took 36 seconds for your sailboat to travel 1/10 of a nautical mile. Reading the tachymetre dial gives a speed of 100 knots. However, since we only traveled 1/10 of a nautical mile, the actual answer is 1/10 of that or 10 knots.
Now let's say you wanted to measure the speed of a VERY, VERY fast airplane: after traveling 10 kilometers, you noted that 10 seconds have elapsed. The tachymetre dial gives an answer of 360 but we traveled 10 Km. Therefore, the answer is 10X360, or 3600 km/hour.
There is really nothing magic about using the Tachymetre dial to measure speed. You can also use it to measure other things, like gas consumption. Suppose it took 50 seconds to burn up a gallon of gasoline. Reading the tachymetre scale shows that you are burning 72 gallons of gasoline per hour
Posted by karim rambo at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: tech
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3COM and Cisco Trunking Problem
This is really interesting topic. actually i tried to integrate 3COm 7750 with Cisco Catalyst 2960 using normal trunking port but give me a big headache. if Cisco to Cisco, we just can use
switchport mode trunk for both side.
but if 3COM to Cisco if i put
port link-type trunk
port trunk allowed vlan all
switchport mode trunk
then your VLAN interface inside the 3COM will go down because BPDU error.
what you need to do is to define the native VLAN for both switches. of course Cisco will be VLAN 1 as a native and define in 3COM VLAN 1 as a native too. see the below configuration:
port link-type trunk => switchport mode trunk
port trunk permit vlan
port trunk pvid vlan
3com uses 802.1Q as the standard => switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
The hybrid port is cool, but the trunk is more recommended in this case, because it's easier to maintain and change the settings when needed than hybrid mode. The hybrid port permit that you assign more than one VLAN ID untagged on the connection, the trunk mode permit that you use just one VLAN ID untagged (PVID). The hybrid port is applicable when connecting devices that don't supports 802.1Q.
and as the result both switches can work together. good luck!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: tech
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cobain Unseen
Saper ada nak jual buku Cobain Unseen?
Ari tu ada jumpa buku Nirvana The Story. citer pasal disebalik lagu-lagu Nirvana. nyesal laa plak tak beli cheis!
Posted by karim rambo at 1:23 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Jom mari ketawa
Entry ini adalah ketawa sahaja... muakekkekekek..muakekkekekke
kah kah kah kah
hanya yang super terrer je yang faham. ekau paham? kalau tak paham...nak buat macammmane
Posted by karim rambo at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Laskar Pelangi
Mimpi adalah kunci
Untuk kita, menaklukan dunia
Berlarilah, tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya
Laskar Pelangi..
takkan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
Raih bintang di jiwa
*Reff :
Menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang Kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia
Cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita
*Reff :
Menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang Kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia
Posted by karim rambo at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Jerlus bang
Entri ini saje-saje je ni. hehehe. btol ke telus?atau jerlus?apsal orang-orang hadiah mostly adalah dalam golongan top 50? cuba check..btol tak? konfusius sungguh. apsal yang datang awal semuanya nombor diorang keluar awal. yang datang lambat mostly nombornya keluar lambat (barang baekk pnyer).konfusiusus sunggus.hehheehe. apsal ramai orang-orang yang tak datang dapat top 10? apsal pakai bola besar gedabak? naper tak pakai bola sepak...lagi nampak cool. bola besar itu macam ..cmana mau bola tu bgerak. yang kat bawah akan tetap kat bawah..yang kat atas konpem kena cabut dulu. pakailah bola ping pong..baru nampak stailo. lpas boleh pakai bola tu buat main ping pong..kaan?
Lantoklah..itu semua main nasib jek. gua tak kisah. gua konpem takkan buat post mortem..muakkekekkek. yang gua tau..makang memang tak sedap gilerrrr...minum petang tak cool..takde teh tarik..nasib baik master chi gong tu coool. lagipun..gua dapat barang gua buat rilek jek. yang penting ada kedatangan..muakekkekkeke..macam dok skolah dol. kalo zaman skolah..ponteng prep..konpem kena rotan kat jubo..pedih dol. tapi yang paling best...fuyoh...ada orang usha baikkkk pnyer kat budak2..giler ahhh...takut sial...awww....awww...awww..
Posted by karim rambo at 8:42 PM 7 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
cabai sungguh
Hari ini sedikit cabai. ada kaa patut aku yang kena sound dalam emel dengan sorang hero neh. macam mana aku nak kaver dia. hero-hero yang lain sumer aku dah kaver baekkk pnyer..tetibe hero ni tunjuk kuasa beb. di cc nyer emel tu sekampung pasal tak puas ati. tak patut btol. kita ni kalau nak hentam orang, cuba fikir perasaan orang yang kita hentam tu. kalau kita di jalan yang lurus..tade hal..tapi kalau kita di jalan bersimpang siur...memang masalah laaa. kita jangan hentam orang lain sampai tak pasal-pasal bukak pekung di dada kita sendirik. tlajak perahu boleh undur..salah emel..lain ceritaaa... kalau di ikutkan panas ati..memang panas dol..tapi sabar..sabarrrr...kalau ngamuk pun tak ke mana...cheis!
Skarang baru aku tau..macam-macam orang..macam2 perangai. ada orang tak tau..suka bertanya..ada orang tak tau..buat-buat tau...skang ada plak nak tunjuk hero...cheis..mentang2 aku dapat bonus sikit..semua mau tunjuk hero...cibai btol!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hard Disk Windows Vista Penuh
Hard Disk Windows Vista Penuh? While many complaints about Windows Vista's sluggish performance In this PCSTATS Beginners Guide we will explore the reasons and culprits behind Windows Vista's high disk usage, and explore ways to not only reduce the noise and activity, but also save and reclaim drive space Vista is using for features that you may not want. Inside the thrashing: What's using your drive cycles? First, let's take a closer look at the Windows Vista services and programs which cause the most drive activity, then look at ways to tame them and free your drives. The daily Grind: Windows Vista file Indexing Windows Vista, like XP before it, builds itself an index file, which contains markers to all files and folders in certain locations on your disk (User folders, the Desktop, Program Files, etc.). To do this, it must churn through the hard disk searching and indexing each and every last file. Vista periodically rebuilds this index, causing further drive thrashing. By default, the files within your 'user' directory (Vista's equivalent of XP's 'C:\documents and settings\username' which contains your documents folder and your desktop) are indexed. There are a couple of ways to reduce the disk overhead that the indexing feature imposes. The obvious and more drastic method is just to turn drive indexing off. In Windows XP, this was almost an automatic step when tweaking the operating system, since the indexing feature was next to useless anyway. With Windows Vista's enhanced search features, you may want to think twice about this if you have, or expect to have a large amount of data (in terms of number of files) stored on your computer. Indexing does make searching for files and folders quite a bit faster, but searches do still work with the same results without indexing. They may just take longer. To turn the indexing feature off in Windows Vista, open the 'start' menu and type 'services' in the search bar. Hit ENTER. In the services window, scroll down until you reach the 'windows search' service. Right click it and hit 'properties'. In the 'startup type' dropdown box, change the value to 'disabled', then click the 'stop' button below to stop the service immediately. Hit 'ok.' If you don't want to disable indexing entirely, consider altering its function to make it index less files, keeping only what you are likely to search for. Windows Vista allows you to get very specific about what types of files will be indexed.
Posted by karim rambo at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: tech
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Pocket a Creative Vado camcorder for $35 shipped

Originally $100, the Valentine's Day-ready Vado camcorder is on sale for just $35.
(Credit: Creative)Just in time for Valentine's Day, Dell Home is offering the Creative Vado Pocket Video Camcorder--in pink, no less--for $35 shipped.
I've mentioned these before, but this is the lowest price I've seen. Consequently, the sellout risk is huge. Also, this deal expires at the stroke of midnight.
For anyone unfamiliar with it, the Vado is an ultraslim digital camcorder that's ideal for capturing life's little moments: the children doing something cute, some friends ripping off that wedding dance, the two feet of snow in your driveway, and so on.
The Vado can record up to an hour's worth of video at its best quality setting, which is a YouTube-friendly 640x480-pixel resolution. It features a 2-inch screen and a stowaway USB connector for plugging it into your PC.
With that connection made, its built-in software makes it a snap to upload videos right to YouTube or PhotoBucket.
Alas, while the Vado can connect to Windows and Mac systems, the included software is Windows-only. Mac users will have to settle for dragging and dropping videos to their machines.
CNET had mostly good things to say about the Vado in its review, and Amazon customers collectively rated it 4 stars out of 5.
I think this would make a great gift for the gadget girl in your life.
Backup deal: Want a camcorder with a little more oomph? SonyStyle has the refurbished HDR-CX100 1080p digital camcorder for $289.99 shipped. Wowee-wow, is that an awesome price on a full-size, full-featured HD camcorder.
Posted by karim rambo at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: gejet
true colour
Bila semua orang mula showing their true colour..then it will be fuckin' great!
Aku rasa taun ni orang-orang yang dapat bonus ciput akan ramai-ramai berpeleseran mencari kerja baru. kalo tak pcaya ..tunggu dan lihat...kire ni ler gossip paling baekkk untuk 2010.
Bila rasa malas tu makin bertambah...makin menjadi-jadi laa malasnya sampai nak bangun pagi pun malas. Sodaa takda motivation...tapi Green Day pnah nyanyi... 'smokin my motivation'..tapi dah tadak gunanya..kalau dah demotivated.
Hari ni hari rabu..jom boikot main futsal! jom! kalo aku main..aku takut aku tertakik kaki orang jek...hahhaha...kalo tak dapat main futsal family day..memang sakit ati sial.
Posted by karim rambo at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Guni Yang Kempis
You felt unappreciated? then you should..
Is it hate is not good? it is good sometimes
This time jobsite really friendly to everybody..
Posted by karim rambo at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
There will be an inevitable ebb and flow in your job - some weeks the projects you are working on seem to play to your strengths, offering you endless challenges and praise, yet some weeks feel like a hundred hours sitting at your desk while life passes you by.
It may be that you are demotivated in your job because you are actually keen to make a change and look for a role that is more suited to your skills and experience, but if you are simply going through one of those slow weeks, here are a few ideas of how to keep focused and positive.
- Don't allow your standards to drop - although you may be feeling like it doesn't matter, when you are back to yourself, it will be more hassle to re-do work or make amends
- If you are finding it hard to concentrate at work because you are dealing with personal issues, see if you can take a couple of days off to deal with the situation and look after yourself. Do not allow your partner/parents/children to call you all day, every day as it will be even harder for you to give your work the concentration it deserves. Set aside time at weekends to focus on your personal issues, or, if they are particularly serious, ask your boss or HR department for some compassionate leave.
- Try to see the value in the project you are working on - if you are involved in a particularly tedious task, rather than keep reminding yourself how pointless it is, see if there is an aspect of the project that you are more interested in. There may be a presentation that you can work on, a treat for the team on completion or a new skill you can learn.
- If you are demotivated because you cannot see any progression in your role, you could request a review from your boss or line manager. If you ask for it in the right way, you will be seen as keen to upgrade or reactivate your passion for your job. Say you are feeling a bit lost and would like some pointers on what you could be doing better or differently. Ask for feedback and then use it to your advantage.
- Find out if there are teams, committees or groups within your workplace that you could be involved in. You may find that there are people will similar interests in other departments or areas of your company that you were not aware of. These could be both social and business focused - for example, there may be a five a side football team or a group that organises the Christmas party.
- Remember why you wanted this job in the first place - think back to what appealed to you in the job advert or at your interview. Perhaps you have allowed yourself to become stagnant in your role and are your own worst enemy. Perhaps there are promotional or training opportunities that would boost your commitment and enjoyment. Are you taking all the advantages of the job?
- There are as many ways to increase your motivation as there are for being demotivated. If you truly feel like you want to stay in your job and want to make the most of it, you have taken the first step in moving away from the feelings you have at the moment. Commit to improvement and the increased motivation will follow.
Posted by karim rambo at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: tips
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Full Moon
I think i'm too much but it will be fucki'n great!
But anyway, it is cool here...waiting to configure the server. is it great to buy hdtv or dslr or bycycle? kalau dapat amik smangkuk exam taun ni sedap gak neh...
Bak kata pepatah 'jangan sesekali buat taik..kang bersepah jadiknya'.
rasa-rasa,ada naik gaji tak taun neh? patut kena ada sbb kalau gaji semakin naik..semangat pun makin naik...produktiviti pun makin naik...usaha pun makin naik..kan kan? tapi semakin naik gaji kita..semakin naiklah expenses kita..tak gunee gak kan? gaji naik RM200..expenses naik RM150..lebey kurang jekk. cheis!
ada soklan bonus! apa akan jadik kalau Fabio jadi kapten Man U? sure akan jadi haru biru kan kan?
ilmu ni ibarat vitamin. vitamin untuk lebih cergas. lebih hebat. kalau kurang vitamin makin kuranglah kecergasan kapla otak kite. kan kan?tapi nak kejar ilmu ni ada satu je halangan. malas. malas ni memang akan datang kalau kita mula nak tunjuk rajin. tapi kalau kita buat-buat rajin, malas tu memang ada..sbb tu kita buat-buat rajin. tapi ilmu kalau salah pakai,rosak gak jadiknye. so kalau kita ada ilmu, tak bole laa bongkak. kena share-share among each others.
"Kau maksiat!"- tringat dialog dalam citer Dari Jemapoh ke Manchestee yang member aku ulang tiap2 hari kat aku..hahahhaha...
Posted by karim rambo at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
what an ethic?
fuck fuck fuck fuck off! i can sing what you sing about...aku kena kencing sial!
Posted by karim rambo at 3:26 PM 0 comments
how to configureNokia E72 Cisco Softphone
How to configure my Nokia device for VoIP Internet calls?
**the setting for SIP profile in Nokia E72 is still same with E71 but with no internet call setting by default.
This article shows a sample VoIP Internet call configuration for S60 3.2 based Nokia mobile devices. The configuration is done manually by creating the following settings:
- Wireless LAN access point
- SIP profile
- VoIP service
To configure the VoIP service settings, a separate SIP VoIP Settings application needs to be installed in the device. The application can be downloaded from Forum Nokia:
Install SIP VoIP 3.x Settings in the mobile device and continue by configuring the Wireless LAN, SIP and VoIP service settings.
1) Wireless LAN access point configuration
Go to Menu > Tools (or Settings or Ctrl. panel) > Settings > Connection > Destinations menu and create an access point or destination through which the VoIP calls will be established. The VoIP calls are usually established through a Wireless LAN access point but a packet data connection over 3G or GPRS can also be used.
2) SIP profile configuration
The SIP profile settings need to checked with SIP service provider. The following settings are used in this sample:
- SIP proxy and registrar server address =
- SIP proxy and registrar realm =
- User name = 1234567
- User password = 1234
- Public user name =
Go to Menu > Tools (or Settings or Ctrl. panel) > Settings > Connection > SIP settings menu and create a new SIP profile:
- Profile name: can be freely chosen
- Service profile. IETF
- Default destination: None (or select a destination and leave the access point selection empty)
- Default access point: select the Wireless LAN access point created above (or leave empty if Default destination is used)
- Public user name:
- Use compression: No
- Registration: When needed
- Use security: No
- Proxy Server:
- Proxy Server Address:
- Realm:
- User name: 1234567
- Password: 1234
- Allow loose routing: yes
- Transport type: Automatic
- Port: 5060
- Registrar:
- Registrar Server Address:
- Realm:
- User name: 1234567
- Password: 1234
- Transport type: Automatic
- Port: 5060
Note that it is possible to leave both the Default Destination and Default Access Point fields empty. The connection will then be prompted when activating the VoIP service for the first time. A separate destination group will be automatically created for the VoIP service.
3) VoIP service configuration
Go to Menu > Tools (or Settings) > Connectivity > Net settings > Advanced VoIP settings > VoIP services or Menu > Ctrl. panel > Net settings > Advanced VoIP settings > VoIP services menu and create a VoIP service profile:
- select Options > New Service and select the SIP profile created above (or create new SIP profile).
Note that the menu for creating the VoIP service profile is not available until you install the SIP VoIP Settings application. If the Advanced VoIP settings menu cannot be found, check that the SIP VoIP Settings application has been properly installed.
4) Activating the VoIP service
The VoIP service needs to be activated before the service can be used. The activation can be done in the Contacts menu:
- go to Menu > Contacts and scroll left or right to the VoIP service submenu (showing the name defined for your VoIP service, e.g. Provider)
- select Activate service
The VoIP service can be activated also when initiating an internet call. If the service is not yet active, the user can activate it when prompted "Internet call service is not active. Activate now?"
The VoIP service stays active until the service is deactivated again.
5) Making an internet call
When the VoIP service is activated, the internet calls can be made in the following way:
- select Options > Call > Internet call when a contact is selected
- in home screen, enter the number or internet address and select Net call
The internet call can also be set as default call type:
- go to Menu > Contacts and scroll left or right to the VoIP service submenu
- select Options > Settings
- set Default net call service = Yes (or Default service in certain devices)
6) Deactivating the VoIP service
The VoIP service can be deactivated in Contacts menu:
- go to Menu > Contacts and scroll left or right to the VoIP service submenu
- select Options > Deactivate service
The device deregisters from SIP server and the connection is released.
Note: The location of VoIP service submenu in the Contacts application varies in different devices. In some devices the submenu is accessed by scrolling to the right in the main Contacts menu. In other devices you need to scroll first to the left and then select the VoIP service menu by scrolling down in the list that appears at the top of the screen.
Over 1 Million People From Over 100 Countries Who Login To Learn Popular Complete Interactive Computer Training Courses From $37 Per Year. Courses Are Presented With English Text & Audio, Graphics, Animations & Simulations. Certificates ProvidedPosted by karim rambo at 2:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: tech
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Saspen, bdebar-debar, cuak, takut, seram sejuk bile exam da dekat sangat. aduiiii.....harap-harap pass..amin!
Kadang-kadang sedikit konfuse dengan sikap teman-teman. apsal tak serius dengan kerja? apsal tanak bagi least 50% pun dah ok. kerja ni something yang syok! macam nak ngorat pompuan laa kekdahnye. kalo nampak awek cun..++sexy..then try usha...say hi..then borak2 skit...tukar2 no phone....(taktik camneh:free2 text lah i ekk...sure awek tu cakap camneh...'cmana nak phone u pun i takde'). kalo dapat no phone tuh..kire power laaa tuh. yang selebihnya...pandai2 laaa ngayat kan kan. kita kena sayang kerja..tak kire laa kerja apa skalipun sbb itu punca rejeki kite kan kan...duit tu lah nak bayor kete..nak isi perut..nak tgk wayang..tak ngayat aweks..kan kan...
minggu neh..aku tpaksa..buat2 invisible...kalo tak...tak cukup masa nak study...giler..587 soklan nak kena buat...memang jem kpala....kalau pass....aku nak amik ONT...amin!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Again No luck
Nexus one only tested in US,UK,Hong Kong & Singapore. What so great about Singapore? So it will long way to come to Malaysia. by the time everyone using Iphones..there will no more space for Nexus One here.
Posted by karim rambo at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: tech
Friday, January 8, 2010
Yang Tertangguh
Yang tertangguh jangan dibiarkan sampai ia membebankan hidup kita. selesaikan apa yang tertangguh. hua hua hua...serius bunyi nyer!
Adil kalau difikirkan, mana ada keadilan kat dunia neh. yang ada pun parti Keadilan yang penyokongnya lebih fanatik dari penyokong Leeds United. tapi kadang-kadang otot-otot kat kepala lutut itu lagi berguna dari otak kat kapala maupun otak-otak Jaybee. semua eksyen macam bagus..macam sorang teman neh..outspoken tak hingat..tapi...muka corky! sangat bullshits! aku tak cakap aku sokong BN..kalau mau jadi opponent..muka kena cool.. sopan santun..berbudi bahasa..baru orang respek...kan kan?
Suatu ketiko dolu...aku pnah rasa macam seorang passenger jek. but now..aku rasa ada orang lain yang lebey menjadi passenger dari apa yang aku jadik dulu. Everyone were here..but where is he? sleeping at home..watching tv?too much work to do? this is really fuckin' (amik kau...sape baca konpem tercarut..hehhehe) great..hhehehe. apsal neh...ntah2 aku datang bulan...cheisss! datang bulan untuk lelaki adalah hanya dihujung bulan...hehhee..sengkek!
After3 years...finally can listen again to Acha Septriasa - Sampai Menutup Mata. sedih btol lagu neh...patut ler tak bole dengor...hehhee...skang sudah kembali cool...
Kalau ada orang nak bagi rumah & kete baik pnyer...patut cakap YES ke patut selidik udang-udang di yang ada sebalik mee? ahaaa...saje nak bagitau...Mee Goreng kat kedai Uncle Joe tu best siol!
Posted by karim rambo at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Nak sync ipod touch dengan Itunes?
According to Apple official web site, users can set up iPhone or iPod touch to sync with their computers. And these syncable contents are listed:
* Contacts—names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and so on
* Calendars—appointments and events
* Web bookmarks
* Music and audiobooks
* Photos
* Podcasts
* Movies and TV shows
* Applications
So if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, and there are many things in your iTunes library, you may make syncing between them from time to time. However, for some computer beginners, they are not familiar with it, though this is a very basic but important operation. If you're one of them, this page will help.
Step 1, connect your iPhone or iPod Touch with computer.
Step 2, launch iTunes and your device will be recognized automatically. You can find it under DEVICES on the left panel of iTunes:
(Note: the device name "iPhone/iPod Touch" might be different from yours)
Step 3, click on this device and on the main window of iTunes, there's a button under Summary tab. But remember, this will sync all your iTunes library to iPhone / iPod Touch. If you just want to import part of the library, just go to the corresponding tab, and change the sync options to Selected and check items going to be synced:
How to
- Convert video and transfer to iPhone
- Select correct video settings for iPhone
- Rip DVD for iPhone
- Convert video and transfer to iPod Touch
- Select correct video settings for iPod Touch
- Rip DVD for iPod Touch
- Transfer movies to iPhone or iPod Touch
- Sync between iTunes and iPhone / iPod Touch

Like pictures above, left one shows you that only sync first two movies; right one shows only sync last two applications. And remember to click Apply button to active such sync actions.
After a while, the sync will be complete. Now, check your iPhone or iPod Touch, and you will find Sync operation is helpful and very easy.
Posted by karim rambo at 11:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: tech
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Can full-body airport scanners harm you?

The scanners are supposed to be the high-tech version of a physical pat-down.
(Credit: TSA)Since explosive materials were sneaked onto a U.S. domestic flight on Christmas Day, full-body scanning machines are far more likely to make their way to security lines at your local airport, even though they might not have detected said materials.
While the Transportation Security Administration already has 40 such devices in place, it just bought 150 to be placed in U.S. airports and says it plans to buy 300 more (they go for $170,000 apiece). On Wednesday, the Netherlands announced that these scanners would be used on passengers for all flights out of Amsterdam to the U.S., and there is talk of scanners in Nigeria as well.
So, setting aside the non-health-related question of whether the scanners will work in detecting explosive materials, are they safe?
These full-body scanners fall into two main categories: millimeter wave and backscatter. The first directs radio waves over a body and measures the energy reflected back to render a 3D image. The latter is a low-level X-ray machine that creates 2D images.
The scanners are supposed to be the high-tech (and energy-inefficient) version of a pat down, and can detect items such as nonmetallic weapons and explosives not picked up by metal detectors. (They only scan surfaces, so body cavity stashing may soon get all the more popular.)
Millimeter wave scanners produce 30 to 300 gigahertz electromagnetic waves, and reveal explosives if they are denser than other materials. This means that these scanners emit less radiation than a typical cell phone, according to TSA. Whether cell phones are harmful is of course the topic of many debates.
The backscatter machines, meanwhile, are low-level X-ray machines that expose bodies to as much radiation as about two minutes of flying in an airplane does. In other words, if you already use a cell phone and you already fly, you are already exposing your body to more radiation than these scanners will.
David Brenner, professor of radiation biophysics at Columbia University and co-author of a report on radiation scanning systems (PDF here), tells me that the risks associated with these low-level radiation scanners are extremely small.
"As far as we know there are no risks associated with the millimeter wave scanners, so my own view is that if you have a choice, you'd want to use the millimeter wave scanners, not the X-ray scanners," he said. "But that being said, the risks, if they exist, are very small. The issue is that small risk multiplied by a very large number of people gives you some population concerns."
As for privacy concerns, TSA writes:
This state-of-the-art technology cannot store, print, transmit or save the image. In fact, all machines are delivered to airports with these functions disabled...Each image is automatically deleted from the system after it is cleared by the remotely located security officer.
According to TSA, six full-body scanners are being used at airports in Albuquerque, N.M.; Las Vegas; Miami; San Francisco; Salt Lake City; and Tulsa, Okla. The other 34 are used for secondary screening of people who set off a metal detector in Atlanta; Dallas/Fort Worth; Denver; Detroit; Indianapolis; Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla.; Los Angeles; Phoenix; Raleigh-Durham, N.C.; Richmond, Va.; and two airports in the Washington, D.C., area: Baltimore/Washington and Reagan National.
If you'd rather not give TSA officials a sneak peek at your body's personal contours, you'll have to put up with a physical pat-down instead. Hey, at least somewhere along the way there's a personal choice on precisely what form one's invasion of personal space will take.
Posted by karim rambo at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Google Nexus One hands-on, video, and first impressions

Google has also included some visual enhancements you've probably heard about, and minor UI tweaks which make getting around the OS a bit more direct. Firstly, there are a set of really snazzy looking "live" wallpapers, some of which react to touch, but all animate in the background while you're on the homescreen. The company has also changed up its application menu navigation a bit, killing the sliding drawer for a more direct home button and overlay of the icons (which no longer scroll off the page normally, but wrap around a 3D cube on the edges). Google has also expanded the amount of homescreens to five, and gives you quick navigation to them by long pressing on the new "dots" which represent pages not in view. While most UI details look and feel the same, from just a bit of typing the keyboard does seem more responsive and accurate, and we're guessing the Snapdragon helps there as well. Throughout the phone there are also new animations and flourishes which make Android 2.1 feel way more polished than previous iterations (including the Droid's 2.0.1), though it's still got a ways to go to matching something like the iPhone or even Pre in terms of fit and finish. Regardless, it's clear Google has started thinking about not just function but form as well, and that's very good news for Android aficionados.

Posted by karim rambo at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: tech